Review Papers in Refereed Journals
Kipyatkov, V.E., 2010. The group selection concept from Charles Darwin to nowadays. [In Russian with English summary] In: Charles Darwin and Modern Biology. Proceedings of the international academic conference “Charles Darwin and Modern Biology” (21–23 September, 2009) (E.I. Kolchinsky, Ed.), Nestor-Historia, St. Petersburg, pp. 184-195. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2010. Intraspecific variation of thermal reaction norms for development in insects: New approaches and prospects. Entomological Review, 90: 163-184. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2007. Seasonal cycles and strategies in ants: Structure, diversity and adaptive traits [In Russian with English summary]. In: The Strategies of Adaptation to Adverse Environmental Conditions by Terrestrial Arthropods (A.A. Stekolnikov, Ed.), Vol. 53, Transactions of Biological Research Institute, St. Petersburg University. St. Petersburg University Press, St. Petersburg, pp. 107-192. PDF (15.7 Mb)
Kipyatkov, V.E., 2006. The evolution of seasonal cycles in cold-temperate and boreal ants: Patterns and constraints. In: Life Cycles in Social Insects: Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution (V.E. Kipyatkov, Ed.), St. Petersburg University Press, St. Petersburg, pp. 63-84. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., 2001. Seasonal life cycles and the forms of dormancy in ants. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 65: 211-238. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., 1993. Annual cycles of development in ants: diversity, evolution, regulation. In: Proceedings of the Colloquia on Social Insects, vol. 2, 2d Colloquium, Rybnoye, 1992. Socium, St. Petersburg, pp 25-48. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1986. The problem of the origin of social insects: Review and synthesis. [In Russian]. In: Meetings in the Memory of N. A. Kholodkovski. Lectures of the 38d Annual Meeting, 4 April 1985, Nauka Press, Leningrad, pp. 3-42.
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1981. Regulation mechanisms of developmental processes in ants. [In Russian]. In: Meetings in the Memory of N. A. Kholodkovski. Lectures of the 33d Annual Meeting, 3-4 April 1980, Nauka Press, Leningrad, pp. 59-91.
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1971. The superorganism concept as applied to social insects and the evolution of coloniality in living nature. [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. N 9: 15-21
Research Papers in Refereed Journals
Maysov, A. and V.E. Kipyatkov. 2011. Contrasting dynamics of cold resistance traits in field-fresh Myrmica ants during the active season. Journal of Thermal Biology 36: 64-70. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2009. Temperature and photoperiodic control of diapause induction in the ant Lepisiota semenovi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Turkmenistan. J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol., 45: 238-245. PDF
Maysov, A. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2009. Critical thermal minima, their spatial and temporal variation and response to hardening in Myrmica ants. CryoLetters, 30: 29-40. PDF; CryoLetters-Abstract; IngentaConnect.
Balashov, S.V. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2008. The first proof of a possibility of change of temperature norms of insect development as a result of artificial selection for fast or slow development by the example of the red soldier bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol., 44: 190-197. PDF
Balashov, S.V. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2008. Study of intrapopulation variability of duration and temperature norms of development in the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae). J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol., 44: 687-697. PDF
Balashov, S.V. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2007. Variation of the duration and thermal requirements for development of eggs and nymphs of linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteropera: Pyrrhocoridae) in two successive generations. [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. St. Petersburg Univ., Ser. 3, issue 2: 11-21. (Abstract)
Lopatina, E.B., S.V. Balashov and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2007. First demonstration of the influence of photoperiod on the thermal requirements for development in insects and in particular the linden-bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae). Eur. J. Entomol., 104: 23-31. PDF
Maisov, A.V., Yu.I. Podlipaeva and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2007. Expression of stress proteins of HSP70 family in response to cold in Myrmica ants from various geographic populations. Cell and Tissue Biology, 1: 434-438. PDF
Kipyatkov, V., E. Lopatina and A. Imamgaliev, 2005. Duration and thermal reaction norms of development are significantly different in winter and summer brood pupae of the ants Myrmica rubra Linnaeus, 1758 and M. ruginodis Nylander, 1846 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Myrmecological News, 7: 69-76. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., E.B. Lopatina, A.A. Imamgaliev and L.A. Shirokova, 2004. Effect of temperature on rearing of the first brood by the founder females of the ant Lasius niger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): Latitude-dependent variability of the response norm. Journ. Evol. Biochem. Physiol., 40: 165-175. PDF
Heinze, J., S. Foitzik, B. Fischer, T. Wanke and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2003. The significance of latitudinal variation in body size in a holarctic ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Ecography, 26: 349 355. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2003. Temperature and photoperiodic control of seasonal life cycles in ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 1. Exogenous-heterodynamic species. [In Russian with English summary]. Entomol. Obozr., 82: 801-819. PDF (Abstract)
Kipyatkov, V.E., E.B. Lopatina, I.Yu. Arinin and A.V. Maysov, 2003. Experimental comparison of seasonal cycle of rapid brood production in ants Myrmica rubra L. and Myrmica ruginodis Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the North of Russia. [In Russian with English summary]. Entomol. Obozr., 82: 6-16. (Abstract)
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2002. Reaction norm in response to temperature may change to adapt rapid brood development to boreal and subarctic climates in Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Eur. J. Entomol., 99: 197-208. PDF
Lopatina, E.B., A.A. Imamgaliev and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2002. Latitudinal variation of duration and thermal lability of pupal development in three ant species of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). [In Russian with English summary]. Entomol. Obozr., 81: 265-275. PDF (Abstract)
Kipyatkov, V.E., 2001. A distantly perceived primer pheromone controls diapause termination in the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Journ. Evol. Biochem. Physiol., 37: 405-416. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2001. Inadaptive photoperiodic responses in ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in boreal and subarctic regions. [In Russian with English summary]. Entomol. Obozr., 80: 277-287. PDF (Abstract)
Gamanilov, P.N. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 2000. Seasonal cycle of development and annual brood production in the ant, Myrmica scabrinodis Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), in the environs of St. Petersburg. [In Russian with English abstract]. Vestnik Zoologii (Kiev), 34: 55-64.. (Vestnik Zool)
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 2000. Vestigial photoperiodic response in subarctic Myrmica ants. Current Sci., 79: 97-98. PDF
Nielsen, M.G., G.W. Elmes and V.E. Kipyatkov, 1999. Respiratory Q10 varies between populations of two species of Myrmica ants according to the latitude of their sites. J. Insect Physiol., 45: 559-564. PDF
Elmes, G.W., J.C. Wardlaw, M.G. Nielsen, V.E. Kipyatkov, E.B. Lopatina, A.G. Radchenko and B. Barr, 1999. Site latitude influences on respiration rate, fat content and the ability of worker ants to rear larvae: A comparison of Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) populations over their European range. Eur. J. Entomol., 96: 117-124. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 1999. Social regulation of larval diapause by workers of three species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomol. Rev., 79: 1138-1144. PDF
Heinze, J., S. Foitzik, V.E. Kipyatkov and E.B. Lopatina, 1998. Latitudinal variation in cold hardiness and body size in the boreal ant Leptothorax acervorum. Entomol. Gener., 22: 305-312. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 1997. Experimental study of seasonal cycle of rapid brood production in the ants Myrmica rubra L. and M. ruginodis Nyl. from two different latitudes. In: Proceedings of the International Colloquia on Social Insects (V.E. Kipyatkov, Ed.), Vol. 3-4, Russian Language Section of the IUSSI, Socium, St. Petersburg, pp. 195-206. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 1997. Seasonal cycle and winter diapause induction in ants of the genus Myrmica in the Polar Circle region. In: Proceedings of the International Colloquia on Social Insects (V.E. Kipyatkov, Ed.), Vol. 3-4, Russian Language Section of the IUSSI, Socium, St. Petersburg, pp. 277-286. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., E.B. Lopatina and A.Yu. Pinegin, 1997. Social regulation of development and diapause in the ant Leptothorax acervorum (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomol. Rev., 77: 248-255. PDF
Lopatina, E.B. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 1997. The influence of daily thermoperiods on the duration of seasonal cycle of development in the ants Myrmica rubra L. and M. ruginodis Nyl. In: Proceedings of the International Colloquia on Social Insects (V.E. Kipyatkov, Ed.), Vol. 3-4, Russian Language Section of the IUSSI, Socium, St. Petersburg, pp. 207-216. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., E.B. Lopatina and A.Yu. Pinegin, 1996. Influence of the queen and worker ants on onset and termination of the larval diapause in Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomol. Rev., 76: 514-520. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., 1995. Role of endogenous rhythms in the regulation of annual cycles of development in ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomol. Rev., 74: 1-15. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 1993. The regulation of annual cycle of development in the ants of the subgenus Serviformica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). In: Proceedings of the Colloquia on Social Insects (V.E. Kipyatkov, Ed.), Vol. 2, Russian-speaking Section of the IUSSI, Socium, St. Petersburg, pp. 49-60. PDF
Lopatina, E.B. and V.E. Kipyatkov, 1993. The influence of temperature on brood development in the incipient colonies of the ants Camponotus herculeanus (L.) and Camponotus xerxes Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). In: Proceedings of the Colloquia on Social Insects (V.E. Kipyatkov, Ed.), Vol. 2, Russian-speaking Section of the IUSSI, Socium, St. Petersburg, pp. 61-74. PDF
Zhigulskaya, Z.A., V.E. Kipyatkov and T.A. Kipyatkova. 1992. The seasonal development cycle of the ant, Myrmica aborigenica sp. nov., in the upper Kolyma River. [In Russian with English summary]. Zool. Zhurn. 71: 72-82
Kipyatkov, V.E. and S.S. Shenderova. 1991. Effects of temperature and photoperiod on egg laying and productivity of queens of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Formica rufa L. group). Entomol. Rev. 70: 13-24.
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 1990. Seasonal development of Aphaenogaster sinensis in the South Primor'e: new type of seasonal cycle in ants. Entomol. Rev., 69: 72-81. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and S.S. Shenderova, 1990. Endogenous rhythm of reproductive activity of red wood ant queens (Formica rufa group). Entomol. Rev., 69: 137-149. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina, 1989. Quantitative study of the behavior of the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) relative to photoperiodic regulation of larval development. [In Russian with English summary]. Entomol. Obozr., 68: 251-261. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina. 1989. Behavior of worker ants during the feeding of larvae in Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). [In Russian with English summary]. Zool. Zhurn. 68: 50-59
Kipyatkov, V.E. and S.S. Shenderova. 1989. Influence of temperature and photoperiod on the beginning and termination of queen diapause in red wood ants (Formica rufa group). [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. N 10: 7-16
Kipyatkov, V.E., 1988. Myrmica prepares for winter. Science in the USSR, N 1: 76-83. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. and E.B. Lopatina. 1988. Food transmission by workers to larvae under various photoperiodic conditions in Myrmica rubra L. [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. N 17: 14-21
Kipyatkov, V.E. and S.S. Shenderova. 1986. Seasonal changes in the behavior of the ant Formica polyctena in an artificial nest with a temperature gradient. [In Russian with English summary]. Zool. Zhurn. 65: 1847-1857
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1985. Group effects in nest-founding females of the ant, Lasius niger L., in the absence of the contact between them. [In Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 281: 240-242.
Grechka, E.O. and V.E. Kipyatkov. 1984. Seasonal developmental cycle and caste determination in the social wasp Polistes gallicus L. (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). II. Dynamics of colony growth and productivity. [In Russian with English summary]. Zool. Zhurn. 63: 81-94. PDF
Grechka, E.O. and V.E. Kipyatkov. 1983. Seasonal developmental cycle and caste determination in the social wasp Polistes gallicus L. (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). III. Absence of a photoperiodic influence. [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. N 3: 25-33. PDF
Grechka, Ye.O. and V.Ye. Kipyatkov. 1983. Seasonal developmental cycle and caste differentiation in the social wasp Polistes gallicus L. (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). I. Phenology and Life cycle regulation. Entomol. Rev. 62: 19-31. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E., 1979. The ecology of photoperiodism in the ant Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 1. Seasonal changes in the photoperiodic reaction. Entomol. Rev., 58: 10-19. PDF
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1977. Studies of photoperiodic reaction in the ant Myrmica rubra. 4. Photoperiodic reactivation. [In Russian with English summary]. Zool. Zhurn. 56: 60-71
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1977. Studies of photoperiodic reaction in the ant Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). III. Peculiarities of temperature correction. [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. N 3: 14-21
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1976. A study of the photoperiodic reaction in the ant Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 5. perception of photoperiodic information by an ant colony. Entomol. Rev. 55: 27-34
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1974. Studies of photoperiodic reaction in the ant Myrmica rubra L. II. Influence of photoperiod and physiological state of worker ants on the development of larvae. [In Russian with English summary]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. N 9: 17-24
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1974. A study of the photoperiodic reaction in the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). I. basic parameters of the reaction. Entomol. Rev. 53: 35-41.
Kipyatkov, V.E. 1972. Discovery of the photoperiodic reaction in ants of the genus Myrmica . [In Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 205: 251-253.
Professional Services
- 2010 – Member of the Council of the International Congress of Entomology (ICE-2012).
- 2003 – present – Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Myrmecological News, The Austrian Society of Entomofaunistics, Vienna, Austria.
- 1990 – present – Editor-in-chief, Proceedings of the International Colloquia on Social Insects, Russian Language Section of the IUSSI
- 1990 – present – President, Russian Language Section of the IUSSI
- 1988 – present – Member of Scientific Council for DSc and PhD theses in Zoology and Entomology, St. Petersburg State University
- 1993 – 1997 – Editor, Socium. Scientific and Informational Bulletin, Russian Language Section, IUSSI
- 1992 – 1994 – Chairman, Ecological Commission, St. Petersburg Association of Scientists
- 1989 – Organizer, Section for the Study of Social Insects, All-Union Entomological Society; from 1994 Russian Language Section, International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI)
Russian Entomological Society ( RES) - 1969.
International Union for the Study of Social Insects ( I.U.S.S.I.). Organiser and President of Russian Language Section (1994).
Saint-Petersburg Association of Scientists ( SPASS) - 1989.
Meetings organized
- September 2010 – VIII Colloquium, Russian Language Section of IUSSI, St. Petersburg, Russia. WebSite Program & Papers
- August 2005 - 3rd European Congress on Social Insects, St. Petersburg, Russia. Proceedings - PDF (1.8 Mb)
- September 2003 – International Symposium "Life Cycles in Social Insects: Behavioural, Ecological and Evolutionary Approach", St. Petersburg, Russia. Program & Abstracts - PDF. Proceedings - PDF (3.8 Mb)
- August 2003 – 21st European Colloquium of Arachnology, St.Petersburg, Russia
- August 2002 – VI Colloquium, Russian Language Section of IUSSI, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- September 2001 – Symposium "Ecophysiology and seasonal life cycle strategies" at the Meeting of the European Sections of the IUSSI, Berlin. MeetingWebsite
- September 2001 – IV European Workshop of Invertebrate Ecophysiology, St. Petersburg, Russia. Abstracts - PDF (2.9 Mb); Proceedings - PDF (EJE)
- August 1996 – IVth International Colloquium on Social Insects, Russian Language Section of the IUSSI, St. Petersburg, Russia
- October 1994 – III Colloquium, Russian Language Section of IUSSI, Kiev, Ukraine
- September 1992 – II Colloquium, Russian Language Section of IUSSI and Social Insect Section of the All-Russian Entomological Society, Rybnoe, Russia
- October 1990 – I Colloquium, Social Insects Section of the All-Union Entomological Society. Leningrad, USSR
- September 1989 – Social Insect Section, XX Congress of the All-Union Entomological Society, Leningrad, USSR
Invited participant and speaker at International Meetings
- 2006 – XV Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Washington DC, USA
- 2005 – International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants, Roskilde, Denmark
- 2003 – International Symposium "Life Cycles in Social Insects: Behavioural, Ecological and Evolutionary Approach", St. Petersburg, Russia
- 2001 – Meeting of the European Sections of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Berlin
- 1996 – XX International Congress of Entomology, Florence, Italy
- 1996 – IV International Colloquium on Social Insects, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 1995 – 7th European Ecological Congress EURECO'95, Budapest, Hungary
- 1994 – 12th International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Paris, France
Grants awarded
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Intraspecific variation of thermal and photoperiodic plasticity of insect growth and development: the study of heritability and adaptative significance". (2011-2013).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Intraspecific geographical variation of thermal and seasonal adaptations in carabid beetles in connection with the latitudinal variation of climates" (2008–2010; jointly with Boris Filippov, Pomor State University, Archangel).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Intraspecific latitudinal variation of the physiological reaction norms in response to temperature in insects: experimental study and the search for adaptive mechanisms" (2006–2008).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Three successive Grants for research expedition to study intraspecific geographic variation of seasonal life cycles and temperature norms of development of insects in the European Russia (2005, 2006, 2007).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Intraspecific latitudinal variation of seasonal life cycles and thermal requirements of development in carabid beetles of Russian European North" (2005–2007; jointly with Boris Filippov, Pomor State University, Archangel).
- Federal Programme "Universities of Russia", Research Grant "Study of latitudinal variability of thermal reaction norms in connection with the evolution of climatic adaptations in insects" (2005).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Two successive Grants for the expeditions to study intraspecific latitudinal variation of temperature adaptation by insects along a transection from the Extreme North to the South of European Russia (2003-2004).
- International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP), Support Grant in conjunction with the Title of Soros Professor (2003).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Intraspecific latitudinal variation of temperature adaptation by insects: studies on the problem of variability/stability of the physiological reaction norm" (2003–2005).
- Federal Programme "Universities of Russia", Research Grant "Temperature and photoperiodic control of insect seasonal development at various latitudes: eco-physiological approach to the problems of variable/stable and adaptive/nonadaptive characters of species and populations" (2002-2003).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Three successive Grants for research expedition to Northern Karelia and Murmansk province to study species diversity and habitat distribution of ants (2000, 2001, 2002).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Geographic variation of photoperiodic and temperature reactions controlling the annual cycle of development in ants of the genus Myrmica in relation to adaptation to the local climate conditions", 3-years (2000–2002).
- International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP), Support Grant in conjunction with the Title of Soros Associate Professor (1998).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "Seasonal and eco-physiological adaptations of ants of the genus Myrmica in relation to their ecology, geographical distribution and evolution" (1997–1999).
- European Union INTAS Organization, Research Grant for the joint international project "Social organisation and physiological regulation of Myrmica ants adapted to living in variable seasonal climates, and their ability to respond to climate changes" (1995–1998; with joint participation of Drs G. W. Elmes, UK; M. G. Nielsen, Denmark; J. Heinze, Germany; A. G. Radchenko, Ukraine).
- International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP), Support Grant in conjunction with the Title of Soros Associate Professor (1995).
- Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Research Grant "The study of social mechanisms controlling the development and diapause in ants" (1994–1996).
- George Soros Foundation and Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia, Two Research Grants for the study of biodiversity (1993–1994).
- International Science Foundation (ISF), Research Grant (1993).